How Do You Ensure My Investment?
How Do You Ensure My Investment?
Drivers are thoroughly vetted to ensure they can afford to make payments on the 36 month lease of your car. Beyond that, Zeese covers all monthly payments due to you up to 85% of the initial loan amount regardless of driver default. In addition to the pay-to-drive technology Zeese installs on all cars. If they satisfy their monthly payment, the car starts.
How do you guarantee driver quality?
Zeese is fully committed to fulfilling your monthly payment due to you. Customers are manually vetted with proof of stable employment. In addition to pay to play technology.
What Am I Responsible For?
Zeese handles every aspect of the lease car for you. Ticketing, insurance, nothing falls on you. Zeese maintains proof of driver insurance monthly at time of payment.
Who is responsible for damage to my lease car?
All responsibility falls on the driver. However, in the event the driver is compromised, Zeese contractually ensures you are not held responsible in any way. The same way banks are not held responsible for damage to their lease vehicles.
Who is responsible for ensuring proper maintenance to my lease vehicle?
Service schedules are monitored via installed technology that track mileage and force maintenance visits according to manufacturer specifications.
What happens if the drivers circumstances change and they can no longer afford monthly payments?
As with all lease agreements, the car will be repossessed from that driver. In this case, we will work to find a new driver lease for your vehicle. However, your monthly payments may be adjusted to reflect the new lease terms. You will always receive 85% of your initial loan amount back.